Billy and I just celebrated our second anniversary with a camping trip to Blackhawk Memorial Park in the driftless area of Southwest Wisconsin near the town of Woodford. This is the third time we’ve camped at Blackhawk. It’s the perfect place to find an inexpensive last-minute campsite, even on a holiday weekend.


We pitched our tent on campsite #19, across the Pecatonica river from some cows. At night we saw a few shooting stars that we later found out were part of the Camelopardalids meteor shower.

I’m in the last trimester of my pregnancy, so we did less hiking than usual. We hiked around New Glarus Woods State Park, and then had ice cream nearby at Kennedy’s Ice Cream & Grill.

We used our pie iron to make cornbread, pizza pockets and sausage cheddar biscuits. We also made a veggie breakfast scramble and walking tacos. Can you tell that I have a big appetite lately? I’ll post the recipes soon.

Coast HP550 Flashlight

Shortly before our trip, the folks at Coast sent me a free HP550 flashlight to try.

Billy testing flashlight

This particular LED flashlight is very bright, making even a dark night seem like daylight. Seriously, use caution and don’t shine it in anyone’s eyes! The HP550 has two brightness settings and an easy to adjust slide focus.

Coast & Maglite

We compared the the HP550 to our Maglite LED flashlight. The HP550 is smaller, 9 ounces lighter and significantly brighter than the Maglite.

The Coast HP550 is available at Walmart for around $60, or enter below to win the one we tested. Good luck and happy camping!

34 Comments on Our Anniversary + Flashlight Giveaway

  1. I live about an hour from both the Smoky Mountains and the Cherokee National Forest. We’ve already been once this year and have two more trips planned!

  2. We live in Iowa, and we just bought our first camper. We will be staying within an hour or two from home until we figure it all out!

  3. Residing in Colorado there are many places to camp. On Friday afternoons my husband and I often pack our gear and just drive. Usually we don’t have a destination in mind we just head West. I’m hoping this summer we can take a week off and travel to Leadville, Colorado.

  4. we’ve already camped twice this year! and going for about 9 days in wisc and mn, up near boundry waters!

  5. I just went camping for the first time this month. LOVED it. We’re going again in July. We live in Virginia and are trying out various campgrounds to find ones we love.

  6. We are getting ready for our two week camp trip! Just my Hubby and I in our little teardrop trailer heading along the Columbia River Gorge (Washington/ Oregon) to Idaho and then in to Yellowstone! finally back across Montana and Idaho to Washington and back home. Making out my menus tonight!

  7. I am so excited that I found your blog! I like camping and outdoor activities, but it’s hard to find camping blogs with a female focus. Looking forward to reading through your archives and hopefully learning some new tips and tricks (I also love gear reviews). Keep up the awesome work!

I ♥ your comments & questions!